All manuscripts must be structured as follows:
All tables and figures (if any) must be included in the body of the work and must be clearly titled and marked. Manuscripts should be computer typed, double line spaced and on A4 size paper. Margins of at least, 30mm on the left and 12mm on the right, and not more than 4500 words including Tables, Figures and references.
Conference Proceedings
All papers accepted and presented at the conference would be published in the conference proceedings. A copy of the proceedings would be made available to all registered conference participants.
Journal Publication
Besides the conference proceedings, the conference is partnering with good quality journals which will publish accepted manuscripts FREE of charge. First, we are pleased to inform potential contributors that the Journal of Systems and Information Technology (Emerald, Scopus indexed) will run a special issue of papers published at the conference. Author(s) of papers deemed to meet the requirements of the journal would be requested to revise and submit to the special issue.
While we would continue to populate the journal list as we obtain the consent of the Editors-in-Chief, the following journals have accepted to publish papers (free of charge) presented at the conference: