Dr. Hammed Adeniyi Lawal (FRA, MInstP)

Senior Scientist



Hammed Adeniyi Lawal has a PhD in Physics from the prestigious University of Leicester, United Kingdom, with specialisation in Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 

As a Space Physicist, he has broad experience ranging from Space Plasma Physics, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Ionospheric Physics to Earth/Planetary Physics and Space dynamics. He is a Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, UK. 

He has participated in several Space Physics programs such as US/UN NASA IHY (International Heliophysical Year), ISWI (International Space Weather Initiative), CISM (Centre for Integrated Space Weather Modelling), NSF/NASA Living With a Star HelioPhysics program, including Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) among others. He has acted as the Chairman of Workshop committee on Capacity Building on Research for the Nigerian Union of Radio Science and a member of the local organising committee for the Nigeria Union of Radio Science Conference. He is a collaborator on AGEEDAF project. 

Hammed teaches Space science/Physics courses at the undergraduate level and Computational Fluid Dynamics at Postgraduate level. 

Currently, he is the Team Lead/Partner Coordinator on the Focus on Africa Space Science and Technology 4 Future Development ( FAST4Future) project. The project is an EU- Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2). He is also the immediate past Ag Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Head of Physics Department.

Hammed's research interest is in Space Physics/ Ionospheric Physics/Radio propagation, Space/Environmental Science/ Planetary and Space Science and Technology with a special interest in the time-dependent events and physical processes affecting human activities known as Space Weather and Planetary and Space Science and Technology and the interconnectivity between Space Weather and Climate change